TANAKA Philosophy
※The philosophy is shared with the whole TANAKA group. However, in disseminating the Behavioral Guidelines, each subsidiary in every country must consider the customs and rules of its region; if a company belives that the Guidelines may have any undesirable effects due to any local reason, changes in either the guidelines themselves or their interpretation may be permited.
Corporate Principle
A company is where everyone strives to be happy -
Management Concept
1. Be a company where associates can strive to make their own dreams come true
2. Be a company that provides our customers with excellent products, with the utmost faith and goodwill
3. Be a company that society trusts -
Behavioral Guidelines
1. Think through all things as if they are your own
2. Work earnestly on your daily tasks
3. Bravely challenge yourself without fearing failure
4. Always have in mind the effect your work might have on related tasks
5. Actively heighten your ambition to improve your skills and capabilities